Code Walkthrough
1. Initial State Preparation
The qubit is initialized in the state ∣0⟩. Mathematically, this is represented as:
∣ψ_0⟩ = ∣0⟩ =
A Hadamard gate H is then applied to the qubit to create a superposition state. The Hadamard gate is defined as:
H = 1/sqrt(2) *
(1, 1 )
(1, −1)
Applying the Hadamard gate to ∣0⟩ results in the state:
∣ψ_1⟩ = H ∣0⟩= 1/sqrt(2) *
(1) = (∣0⟩ + ∣1⟩)/sqrt(2)
This superposition state ∣ψ_1⟩ has an equal probability of being measured as either ∣0⟩ or ∣1⟩.
2. Quantum State Evolution (Clock Ticks)
To simulate the ticking of the quantum clock, we apply two quantum gates sequentially:
Rotation around the z-axis by an angle θ_z = 0.1 radians:
R_z(θ_z) =
((e^−iθ_z/2), 0) = ((e^−i0.05), 0)
(0, e^(iθ_z/2)) (0, e^(i0.05))
Applying this gate to the state ∣ψ1⟩ introduces a phase shift between the components of the superposition:
∣ψ_2⟩ = R_z(0.1) ∣ψ_1⟩ = 1/sqrt(2) *
Rotation around the y-axis by an angle θ_y = 0.2 radians:
R_y(θ_y) =
(cos(θ_y/2), −sin(θ_y/2)) = (cos(0.1), −sin(0.1))
(sin(θ_y/2), cos(θ_y/2)) (sin(0.1), cos(0.1))
This gate further rotates the qubit's state on the Bloch sphere, altering the probabilities of measuring ∣0⟩ or ∣1⟩:
∣ψ_3⟩ = R_y(0.2) ∣ψ_2⟩
The final state ∣ψ_3⟩ represents the evolved quantum state after the clock 'ticks'.
3. Measurement
The qubit is measured in the computational basis {∣0⟩, ∣1⟩}. The measurement collapses the quantum state to either ∣0⟩ or ∣1⟩ based on the probabilities encoded in ∣ψ_3⟩.
The probabilities P(0) and P(1) of measuring the qubit in states ∣0⟩ or ∣1⟩ are determined by the amplitude of ∣ψ_3:
P(0) = ∣⟨0∣ ψ_3⟩∣^2
P(1) = ∣⟨1∣ ψ_3⟩∣^2
4. Execution on IBM Quantum Hardware
The prepared and evolved quantum circuit is transpiled and executed on IBM's ibm_brisbane. The circuit is run with 8192 shots to collect sufficient statistics for the measurement outcomes.
5. Save Run Data
The quantum run results are saved to a JSON for analysis. A histogram of the run data is also generated.
# imports
import json
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Session, SamplerV2
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Initialize IBM Quantum API
service = QiskitRuntimeService(
# Initialize quantum circuit
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
# Initial state preparation (|0⟩ state)
qc.h(0) # Example of preparing a superposition state as an initial clock state
# Evolution steps (clock ticks)
qc.rz(0.1, 0) # Rotation around z-axis by 0.1 rad (represents a time step)
qc.ry(0.2, 0) # Rotation around y-axis by 0.2 rad (represents another time step)
# Add measurement to the circuit
# Transpile the circuit for backend
backend = service.backend('ibm_brisbane')
qc_transpiled = transpile(qc, backend)
# Execution on backend with SamplerV2
with Session(service=service, backend=backend) as session:
sampler = SamplerV2(session=session)
# Run the circuit
job = sampler. run([qc_transpiled], shots=8192)
job_result = job.result()
# Retrieve the classical register name
classical_register = qc.cregs[0].name
# Extract counts for the first (and only) pub result
pub_result = job_result[0].data[classical_register].get_counts()
# Save the results to JSON
results_data = {
"raw_counts": pub_result
file_path = '/Users/Documents/Qclock.json'
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(results_data, f, indent=4)
print(f"Results saved")
# Plotting the results for analysis
plt. show()
# End
Code for Color-Coded 3D Trajectory of Bloch Vector Over Time with Run Data
import json
import base64
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
# Paths to JSON files
info_path = '/Users/Documents/job-info.json'
result_path = '/Users/Documents/job-result.json'
# Load the results from JSON files
with open(result_path, 'r') as file:
result_data = json.load(file)
# Extract and decode the bitstring data
bitstring_base64 = result_data["__value__"]["pub_results"][0]["__value__"]["data"]["__value__"]["fields"]["meas"]["__value__"]["array"]["__value__"]
bitstring_bytes = base64.b64decode(bitstring_base64)
bitstrings = [int(b) for b in bitstring_bytes]
# Convert the 8-bit values into binary strings
binary_bitstrings = [format(value, '08b') for value in bitstrings]
# Initialize lists to store the trajectory coordinates
x_coords = []
y_coords = []
z_coords = []
# Compute the Bloch vector for each measurement and store the coordinates
for binary_string in binary_bitstrings:
prob_0 = binary_string.count('0') / 8
theta = 2 * np.arccos(np.sqrt(prob_0))
phi = 0 # assuming no phase for simplicity
x_coords.append(np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi))
y_coords.append(np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi))
# Normalize the time steps for color mapping
time_steps = np.linspace(0, 1, len(x_coords)) # Normalize from 0 to 1 for colormap
# Set up the color map
colors = cm.viridis(time_steps) # Using the 'viridis' colormap
# Plot the 3D trajectory with color-coded time evolution
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the Bloch sphere
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:100j, 0:np.pi:50j]
x = np.sin(v) * np.cos(u)
y = np.sin(v) * np.sin(u)
z = np.cos(v)
ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5)
# Plot the trajectory, using color coding for time evolution
for i in range(1, len(x_coords)):
ax.plot(x_coords[i-1:i+1], y_coords[i-1:i+1], z_coords[i-1:i+1], color=colors[i], linewidth=2)
# Setting labels and title
ax.set_title("Color-Coded 3D Trajectory of Bloch Vector Over Time")
plt. show()
Code for 3D Trajectory of Bloch Vector with Key Points visual with Run Data
import json
import base64
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Paths to JSON files
info_path = '/Users/Documents/job-info.json'
result_path = '/Users/Documents/job-result.json'
# Load the results from JSON files
with open(result_path, 'r') as file:
result_data = json.load(file)
# Extract and decode the bitstring data
bitstring_base64 = result_data["__value__"]["pub_results"][0]["__value__"]["data"]["__value__"]["fields"]["meas"]["__value__"]["array"]["__value__"]
bitstring_bytes = base64.b64decode(bitstring_base64)
bitstrings = [int(b) for b in bitstring_bytes]
# Convert the 8-bit values into binary strings
binary_bitstrings = [format(value, '08b') for value in bitstrings]
# Initialize lists to store the trajectory coordinates
x_coords = []
y_coords = []
z_coords = []
# Compute the Bloch vector for each measurement and store the coordinates
for binary_string in binary_bitstrings:
prob_0 = binary_string.count('0') / 8
theta = 2 * np.arccos(np.sqrt(prob_0))
phi = 0 # assuming no phase for simplicity
x_coords.append(np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi))
y_coords.append(np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi))
# Define key points
num_segments = 3
segment_length = len(x_coords) // num_segments
key_points_indices = [0, segment_length, 2 * segment_length]
# Coordinates of key points
key_points_x = [x_coords[i] for i in key_points_indices]
key_points_y = [y_coords[i] for i in key_points_indices]
key_points_z = [z_coords[i] for i in key_points_indices]
# Labels for the key points
key_points_labels = ['Hadamard Gate', 'Rz Rotation', 'Ry Rotation']
# Plot the trajectory with key points highlighted
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the Bloch sphere
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:100j, 0:np.pi:50j]
x = np.sin(v) * np.cos(u)
y = np.sin(v) * np.sin(u)
z = np.cos(v)
ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5)
# Plot the full trajectory
ax.plot(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords, color='red', marker='o', markersize=3, linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
# Overlay the key points
ax.scatter(key_points_x, key_points_y, key_points_z, color='blue', s=100, label='Key Points')
# Define staggered offsets for the labels to avoid overlapping
offsets = [(0.15, 0.1, 0), (0.2, -0.1, 0.05), (-0.15, 0.2, -0.05)]
# Annotate the key points
for i, (x_offset, y_offset, z_offset) in enumerate(offsets):
ax.text(key_points_x[i] + x_offset, key_points_y[i] + y_offset, key_points_z[i] + z_offset,
key_points_labels[i], color='blue', fontsize=12)
# Add leader lines from the labels to the key points
for i, (x_offset, y_offset, z_offset) in enumerate(offsets):
ax.plot([key_points_x[i], key_points_x[i] + x_offset],
[key_points_y[i], key_points_y[i] + y_offset],
[key_points_z[i], key_points_z[i] + z_offset],
color='blue', linestyle='dotted')
# Setting labels and title
ax.set_title("3D Trajectory of Bloch Vector with Key Points")
plt. show()
Code for 3D Trajectory of Bloch Vector with Key Points visual with Run Data
import json
import base64
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Paths to JSON files
info_path = '/Users/Documents/job-info.json'
result_path = '/Users/Documents/job-result.json'
# Load the results from JSON files
with open(result_path, 'r') as file:
result_data = json.load(file)
# Extract and decode the bitstring data
bitstring_base64 = result_data["__value__"]["pub_results"][0]["__value__"]["data"]["__value__"]["fields"]["meas"]["__value__"]["array"]["__value__"]
bitstring_bytes = base64.b64decode(bitstring_base64)
bitstrings = [int(b) for b in bitstring_bytes]
# Convert the 8-bit values into binary strings
binary_bitstrings = [format(value, '08b') for value in bitstrings]
# Initialize lists to store the coordinates for clock hands
theta_angles = []
phi_angles = []
# Compute the Bloch vector angles for each measurement
for binary_string in binary_bitstrings:
prob_0 = binary_string.count('0') / 8
theta = 2 * np.arccos(np.sqrt(prob_0))
phi = np.pi * prob_0 # Linking phase to prob_0 for visualization
# Adding a small random disturbance to make the vectors visible and not overlap
theta_angles = np.array(theta_angles) + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, len(theta_angles))
phi_angles = np.array(phi_angles) + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, len(phi_angles))
# Plotting all clock hands on the same Bloch sphere
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the Bloch sphere
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:100j, 0:np.pi:50j]
x = np.sin(v) * np.cos(u)
y = np.sin(v) * np.sin(u)
z = np.cos(v)
ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5)
# Plot clock hands for different time points on the same Bloch sphere
time_points = np.linspace(0, len(theta_angles)-1, 4).astype(int)
colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']
for i, t in enumerate(time_points):
ax.quiver(0, 0, 0, np.sin(theta_angles[t]) * np.cos(phi_angles[t]),
np.sin(theta_angles[t]) * np.sin(phi_angles[t]),
color=colors[i], linewidth=3, arrow_length_ratio=0.2, label=f'Time {t}')
# Setting labels and title
ax.set_title("Quantum Clock Hands Over Time on Bloch Sphere")
# Add a legend to differentiate time points
plt. show()