Code Walkthrough
1: Initializing Q-Table and Parameters
Initialize a Q-table Q(s, a) with zeros, where s represents the state and a represents the action. The parameters for Q-learning are set as follows:
Learning rate α = 0.1
Discount factor γ = 0.9
Initial exploration rate ϵ = 1.0
Exploration rate decay ϵ_decay = 0.995
Minimum exploration rate ϵ_min = 0.05
The state space size = 5
The action space size is 2
2. Quantum Circuit for Q-value Update
We construct a parameterized quantum circuit (quantum neuron) with one qubit and one classical bit.
A quantum circuit is designed to perform the Q-value update. The circuit is created using the following steps:
Initialize a quantum register with 127 qubits and a classical register with 1 bit.
Apply a rotation gate RY(π/4) to the qubit corresponding to the current state modulo the number of qubits.
Measure the qubit corresponding to the current state modulo the number of qubits.
The quantum circuit for a given state s and action a is denoted as QC(s, a).
3. Running the Quantum Circuit
The quantum circuit is run on the IBM quantum backend using the Qiskit. We transpile the circuit for the target backend. Run the circuit using the SamplerV2 and collect measurement results. The circuit is run for 10 episodes.
4. Q-learning Loop
The Q-learning loop involves:
Interact with the environment to get the initial state.
Select an action using the epsilon-greedy policy.
Execute the quantum circuit for the selected state and action.
Calculate the reward based on the measurement results from the quantum circuit.
Update the Q-value using the Bellman equation:
Q(s, a) ← (1 − α)Q(s, a) + α(r + γ * ((max)/a′)Q(s′, a′))
where r is the reward, s′ is the next state, and a′ is the action. Q(s, a) is the Q-value for state s and action a. (max)/a′)Q(s′, a′) is the maximum Q-value for the next state s′and all possible actions a′.
Decay the exploration rate ϵ after each episode.
5. Saving and Visualizing Results
The Q-table is saved to a JSON file, and the results are visualized using heatmaps and bar charts to display the learned policy.
After running the Q-learning loop for 10 episodes, the Q-table is updated based on the rewards obtained from the quantum circuit measurements. The derived policy is visualized, showing the best action for each state. The results highlight the potential of quantum computing to enhance reinforcement learning by leveraging quantum parallelism.
# Imports
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit.circuit.library import RYGate
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Session, SamplerV2
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define quantum circuit with 127 qubits
def create_qc(state, action):
num_qubits = 127
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, 1)
qc.append(RYGate(np.pi / 4), [state % num_qubits]) # Example operation
qc.measure(state % num_qubits, 0) # Measure the qubit
return qc
# Define a function with SamplerV2
def run_qc(qc, service, backend):
with Session(service=service, backend=backend) as session:
sampler = SamplerV2(session=session)
transpiled_qc = transpile(qc, backend)
job = sampler. run([transpiled_qc], shots=8192)
result = job.result()
classical_register_name = qc.cregs[0].name
counts = result[0].data[classical_register_name].get_counts()
return counts
# Q-learning loop with state and action space
state_space_size = 5 # Define size of state space
action_space_size = 2 # Define size of action space
num_episodes = 10 # Number of Jobs
alpha = 0.1 # Learning rate
gamma = 0.9 # Discount factor
epsilon = 1.0 # Initial exploration rate
epsilon_decay = 0.995 # Exploration rate decay
min_epsilon = 0.05 # Minimum exploration rate
q_table = np.zeros((state_space_size, action_space_size)) # Initialize Q-table
# Environment
class SimulatedEnv:
def reset(self):
return np.random.randint(0, state_space_size)
def step(self, action):
next_state = np.random.randint(0, state_space_size)
reward = np.random.rand()
done = np.random.rand() > 0.9
return next_state, reward, done, {}
env = SimulatedEnv()
# Initialize Qiskit
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="Your_IBM_Key_0-`")
backend = service.get_backend('ibm_sherbrooke') #
for episode in range(num_episodes):
print(f"Starting episode {episode + 1}/{num_episodes}")
state = env.reset() # Reset the environment to get the initial state
done = False
while not done:
# Select an action using an epsilon-greedy policy
if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
action = np.random.choice(action_space_size)
action = np.argmax(q_table[state])
# Execute the action in environment
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
# Create and run the quantum circuit for Q-value update
qc = create_qc(state, action)
counts = run_qc(qc, service, backend)
print(f"Counts for state {state}, action {action}: {counts}") # Debugging counts
done = True # Ensure the loop ends after the job completes
# Calculate the reward from the counts
reward_from_counts = counts.get('1', 0) / sum(counts.values())
max_next_q = np.max(q_table[next_state])
q_table[state, action] = (1 - alpha) * q_table[state, action] + alpha * (reward_from_counts + gamma * max_next_q)
print(f"Updated Q-table: {q_table}") # Debugging Q-table
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
done = True # End the episode if an error occurs
state = next_state # Move to the next state
# Ensure that only one job runs per episode
print(f"Completed episode {episode + 1}/{num_episodes}")
# Decay the exploration rate
epsilon = max(min_epsilon, epsilon * epsilon_decay)
# Save Q-table to JSON file
results_data = {"q_table": q_table.tolist()}
file_path = 'q_table_results.json'
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(results_data, f, indent=4)
# Plotting the Q-table for visualization
plt.imshow(q_table, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('Q-Table Heatmap')
plt. show()
# Derive policy from Q-table
policy = np.argmax(q_table, axis=1)
print("Derived Policy (State: Best Action):")
for state in range(state_space_size):
print(f"State {state}: Action {policy[state]}")
# Visualize the policy
plt. bar(range(state_space_size), policy)
plt.ylabel('Best Action')
plt.title('Derived Policy')
plt. show()
# End