This experiment uses quantum computing to generate a secure cryptographic key, then we convert this quantum-generated key into a format compatible with Bitcoin's cryptographic system. This process utilizes the inherent randomness of quantum mechanics through superposition and measurement of qubits. The experiment is conducted on IBM's 127-qubit quantum computer Osaka, utilizing Qiskit. After generating a binary key from quantum measurements, the key undergoes post-processing to convert it into a hexadecimal format, and finally into a Wallet Import Format (WIF) key for potential use in Bitcoin transactions. This experiment shows how quantum computing can enhance cryptography, providing a true increase in randomness and thus entropy in a system.
Code Walkthrough
1. Quantum Circuit Configuration:
127 qubits are initialized in their default state, |0⟩.
A Hadamard gate (H) is applied to each qubit. The Hadamard gate transforms the qubit into a superposition state, expressed as:
2. Binary Key Generation:
Two runs of the quantum circuit are executed to generate two 127-bit strings. An additional "11" is appended to these strings to reach a 256-bit binary key, aligning with the standard length of a Bitcoin private key.
3. Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion:
The 256-bit binary key is converted to a hexadecimal format using the binary to hexadecimal conversion principle, where each group of four binary digits corresponds to a single hexadecimal digit. This conversion is essential for the subsequent processing steps and aligns with common cryptographic keys.
4. Hexadecimal Key to Wallet Import Format (WIF) Conversion:
The hexadecimal key is prefixed with '80', indicating a private key for the Bitcoin mainnet.
The extended key undergoes two rounds of SHA-256 hashing, a cryptographic hash function producing a 256-bit output. This step enhances the security of the key.
The first four bytes of the second SHA-256 hash serve as a checksum, ensuring the integrity of the key during transmission or storage.
The original extended key, now with the checksum appended, is encoded using Base58. Unlike Base64, Base58 encoding avoids similar-looking characters, reducing the risk of key misinterpretation. The result is the private key in WIF, which is more user-friendly and compatible with Bitcoin wallets.
import json
import hashlib
import base58
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, IBMQ, transpile, execute
from qiskit. tools.monitor import job_monitor
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram
# IBM Quantum account setup
IBMQ. save_account(‘YOUR_API_KEY_O-‘, overwrite=True) # Fill in your IBM Quantum token
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q')
backend = provider.get_backend('ibm_osaka') # Update backend if necessary
print("Using backend: ", backend)
# Function to create and run a quantum circuit, generate a part of the secret key
def generate_key_part(num_qubits, backend):
# Create a quantum circuit with num_qubits
circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
# Apply Hadamard gate to each qubit to create superposition
for i in range(num_qubits):
# Measure all qubits
# Compile and run the quantum circuit on the backend
compiled_circuit = transpile(circ, backend)
job = backend. run(compiled_circuit)
job_monitor(job) # Monitor the job's execution
# Retrieve the result
result = job.result()
counts = result.get_counts()
# Use the most frequent bitstring as part of the key
key_part = max(counts, key=counts.get)
return key_part
def sha256(data):
return hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
def hex_to_wif(hex_key):
# Add prefix (0x80 for mainnet)
extended_key = '80' + hex_key
# Double SHA-256 hash
first_hash = sha256(bytes.fromhex(extended_key))
second_hash = sha256(first_hash)
# Checksum is first 4 bytes of second hash
checksum = second_hash[:4]
# Append checksum
final_key = extended_key + checksum.hex()
# Base58 encode
wif_key = base58.b58encode(bytes.fromhex(final_key))
return wif_key.decode('utf-8')
# Generate the secret key parts using the quantum computer
key_part_1 = generate_key_part(127, backend)
key_part_2 = generate_key_part(127, backend)
# Concatenate 🐈⬛ the two parts and add any additional bits if needed to reach 256 bits
quantum_key_binary = key_part_1 + key_part_2 + "11" # Ensuring 256 bits
quantum_key_hex = hex(int(quantum_key_binary, 2))[2:].zfill(64)
# Convert the hex key to WIF
bitcoin_key = hex_to_wif(quantum_key_hex)
# Print the generated keys
print("Generated Quantum Key (Binary):", quantum_key_binary)
print("Generated Quantum Key (Hex):", quantum_key_hex)
print("Generated Bitcoin Key (WIF):", bitcoin_key)
# Save the keys to a json
with open('/Users/Documents/Q_BTC_Key.json', 'w') as f:
"Quantum Key (Binary)": quantum_key_binary,
"Quantum Key (Hex)": quantum_key_hex,
"Bitcoin Key (WIF)": bitcoin_key
}, f, indent=4)